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Why get certified?

Bicycle tourists are a valuable customer group for partner businesses, as the ADFC Bicycle Tourism Analysis shows: In 2020, 3.5 million Germans went on a bicycle tour. Of these, 65% were point-to-point tours and 35% circular tours from a fixed base.

Our marketing services

Get listed...

  • our accommodation search
    with map location and photos
  • the cycling route planners
    of several federal states
  • cycling route guides and maps
    from our publishing partners
  • ... in numerous host directories
    of our tourism industry partners
  • a point of interest
    for GPS devices and digital maps

What you get on top:

Go for bicycle tourism

Bicycle tourism...

  • good for the economy
    especially for small and medium businesses.
  • ...drives growth in rural areas
  • ...attracts people
    creating livable towns and cities
  • ...helps to transform the way we travel
  • green mobility and helps to protect the environment
  • ...promotes sustainability
  • ...strengthens tourism in Germany
  • ...makes Germany stand out internationally
  • truly versatile
  • ...grows with demographics change


Five steps to get the Bett+Bike quality certificate

Would you like to cater particularly to bicycle tourists? No great investment is needed to attract bicycle tourists, since most of their needs are easy to meet. We’ll assist you getting certified in five easy steps.

  1. Quality criteria – choose & check
    Choose from our four certificates (Gastbetrieb, Camping, Holiday Homes and Sports) to find the right one for your type of accommodation and check if you meet all the minimum criteria and at least three additional criteria.

  2. Registration documents – download & complete
    Download the registration documents here and complete them.

  3. Registration documents – submit
    Send the completed registration documents by post or e-mail to your local regional management office.

  4. Quality check
    The regional management office will contact you and a quality auditor will come by and verify the criteria.

  5. Certification!
    Once you pass the audit: Congratulations and welcome to the Bett+Bike network!

Get certified now!

Further information

Host Talks

We regularly offer our online series Host Talks (Gastgeber*innen-Talks) for interested providers. Please check for dates here and contact your regional management office if you’d like to join.